The 2018 EMpower Ethnic Minority Role Model nominations are open!
Our CEO & Founder, Suki Sandhu, is a big believer in the power of role models and the effect they have on creating greater diversity within business.
There’s an absence of ethnic minority representation in boardrooms across the UK and globally – and this has an impact across all levels of an organisation. Recognising the benefits of diversity and creating a more inclusive culture keeps businesses relevant, makes workforces more productive and ultimately, makes business sense.
Established by Suki in 2017, EMpower exists to challenge the lack of ethnic diversity within business, particularly at executive levels. Working with member firms across a broad range of industries, EMpower helps identify and address challenges around the recruitment, retention and inclusion of ethnic minority talent.
Through an annual series of programmes, events and bespoke advisory services, EMpower helps member firms build more inclusive cultures and develop diverse talent pipelines.
Following the success of the 2017 EMpower Ethnic Minority Leaders lists, EMpower is back for a bigger and better 2018, with more senior leaders and more global reach. The EMpower Ethnic Minority Role Models 2018 will be split into three categories:
1. 100 Ethnic Minority Executives
2. 50 Ethnic Minority Future Leaders
3. 20 Advocates
If you’d like to nominate someone for these lists, click here for more information.
Closing date is 6th April.